Tomorrow several members of the Captico Team will be joining social media, new media, and technology experts from across the country (and perhaps the world!) for the “What’s Next DC” Conference in Washington, DC. The event promises to be jam-packed full of real data, case studies, real experts (no fluffy “gurus” here), networking opportunities and roving discussions. Conference organizers say:
“There are no sales commercials masquerading as presentations here, or sleepy Q & A sessions where only 1 of 8 questions apply to your business. What’s Next DC is about brainstorming, case studies, energy, networking, strategy and – best of all – personalized solutions to your company’s most important challenges.
How will we accomplish this? By jamming as much information into the day as possible. We’ll have floating experts in a variety of fields available, so if you hear something you like and want to bounce ideas around right there on the spot, you can! We’ve scheduled group brainstorming/strategy sessions and niche learning sessions where you can discuss your areas of interest and expertise. There will also be an area dedicated solely to networking all day long.
This is not just a conference, it is an experience. Come prepared and energized to learn and share with other Marketing, Public Relations, Advertising, and Communication Professionals!”
Well if that doesn’t wake you out of your boring conference malaise, I don’t know what will! If you want to register or get attendee info, click here.
- WHEN: Monday, January 24, 2011 from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (ET)
- WHERE: The George Washington University, Marvin Center, Grand Ballroom - 800 21st Street, NW, Washington, DC 20052
- Follow the #whatsnextdc hashtag conversation on Twitter
- Follow the Twitter list of attendees/speakers/sponsors/etc
- Follow Captico’s Live Tweets
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Tags: #whatsnextdc, communications, conference, Corrie Davidson, dc, event, Marketing, washington dc, whats next dc
Nice post. Love your blog.